Ultimate Guide for Storing and Winterizing Outdoor Furniture

Winterizing outdoor furniture can be daunting, but it doesn’t have to be. With the right tips and tricks, you’ll have your outdoor furniture put away safely until next year in no time. Our ultimate guide offers all the essentials for adequately storing and winterizing outdoor furniture this season. From weatherproofing to proper cleaning techniques, we’ve got you covered. It’s always early enough in the season to ensure that you’re protecting your porch, patio and garden pieces from harsh winter conditions. Let our ultimate guide help you become an expert in caring for your beloved outdoor furniture!

Why Winterize Outdoor Furniture?

Winterizing outdoor furniture is a great way to ensure it stays in top condition. It’s like giving your furniture an annual tune-up that can help extend its lifetime, saving you from purchasing new every few years or so. Plus, it’s not that difficult or expensive – just taking extra care now can make a huge difference! So why should you winterize your outdoor furniture? Here are 4 key reasons:

  • First, protecting your furniture from the cold keeps it looking good longer. No one wants to be sitting on a chair with faded colours or rusty parts due to exposure to bad weather over time. Winterizing helps protect your furniture against this by stopping the damaging effects of rain, hail, snow and frost. A cover, resin wicker cleaner/sealant and rust prevention spray can also help maintain its condition for longer.
  • Second, regular cleaning helps to reduce discolouration from dirt and soil buildup that can accumulate over the summer months. This is especially true if there are nearby trees dripping sap or pollen onto your furniture during the warmer months! Cleaning also prevents mildew and other signs of aging. A thorough scrub down and adding a waterproof coating will help keep things looking fresh come next season too! Adding weatherproof cushions can ensure comfort through all kinds of conditions too!
  • Thirdly, preventing UV light damage is another reason winterizing is essential when preserving long-term outdoor furniture. Prolonged exposure to sunlight will eventually lead to fading and cracking, but covering up the items when they’re not being used prevents this kind of damage from happening in the first place. Making sure your furniture is kept out of direct sunlight can also help minimize this issue during the warmer months! And remember SPF 40+ shade netting for added protection!
  • Last but not least, prevention protects against pests such as termites and woodworms who love wood for their meals! Stuffing crevices with cedar shavings will keep them from feasting on unsightly holes in seating areas – not pleasant! Keeping moist firewood piles away from your garden house seating areas should also be considered as they become potential homes for rodents during winters!

So there you have it – four compelling reasons why winterizing your outdoor furniture is essential maintenance that’s worth taking seriously all year round if you want maximum benefit out of each item for many seasons ahead…

How to Store Outdoor Furniture

Clean Outdoor Furniture Before Storing

As winter approaches, you should ensure all your outdoor furniture is ready for storage. Depending on the types of materials used, cleaning and prepping your outdoor furniture can seem like an intimidating task. But don’t worry! There are some simple steps you can take to restore any outdoor furniture to its sparkling glory.

  • First, determine what material the furniture is made of so you know how to clean it. For example, a little soapy water and a soft brush should get the job done if the material is plastic or resin. In contrast, to ensure metal furniture is adequately protected from rusting during storage, clean it using mineral spirits before waxing it with a carnauba wax paste every few months.
  • For wicker or cushioned patio furniture, vacuum using an upholstery attachment and then use a mild drops of mild laundry detergent and sponge. Drying the cushions before storing will also help avoid mould and mildew growth throughout the cold winter months.
  • If your outdoor furniture has removable cushions and can be put in the washer, it’s essential to thoroughly wash them before storing them. Once clean and air dry, wrap them in paper or plastic to keep dust off during storage.
  • Lastly, treat wood furniture gently by applying some deck cleaner and scrubbing lightly before applying a protective coating like teak oil for extra defence against moisture buildup over the winter months ahead. These steps will pay off when spring rolls around; you’ll have beautifully maintained outdoor furniture ready for another season outdoors!

Decide Where and How to Store Outdoor Furniture

Preparing for winter can seem daunting. You must decide what to do with everything from holiday decorations to outdoor furniture. If you want to care for it properly, there are a few things you need to know about storing outdoor furniture.

  • First of all, where should you store it? No matter how big or small your outdoor space is, there is likely an ideal storage location on your property that will protect the furniture from the elements. It could be in a garage or shed, beneath a deck or porch, in an attic, or even tucked away behind shrubbery.
  • Once decided on the best spot to store the furniture, choose materials to protect and cover it adequately. Furniture covers enable the piece of furniture to breathe while keeping dust and dirt away; however, they must be tailored to the correct size and make sure they are secured with ties or straps if needed, so they won’t blow off in strong winds.
  • Whether you wrap, your patio set up on your own or prefer buying pre-made patches perfect for various items such as cushions and umbrellas, just remember to select waterproof and breathable **outdoor fabrics** designed exclusively for outdoor use and offer UVA Sun protection as well.
  • Finally, once everything is protected, remember to upkeep throughout its storage too! Do regular monthly checks; just make sure everything went according to plan for everything to stay intact come springtime! So when storing your outdoor furnishings during wintertime, take your time and ensure enough time for planning and preparation to get the best possible outcome at the end!

Fix Any Damage

With winter just around the corner, the time has come to start thinking about how to store your outdoor furniture until spring. While this might seem daunting, with a few simple steps, you can ensure your furniture makes it through the winter months without any issues.

  • First of all, examine each piece of outdoor furniture for any damage. Even minor scratches should be addressed, as they can lead to further damage throughout the winter.
  • You may need to fill in any holes or cracks using wood filler or contact cement, then sand and paint for a finished look.
  • Additionally, ensure the frame is secure and intact so your pieces don’t wobble when you sit on them next year.
  • Next step – check that cushion covers are clean and free from mildew before carefully packing them in boxes or plastic containers labelled clearly for easy identification later on.
  • Finally, ensure that metal frames are obliterated from your decks and patios when storing outside furniture- this will prevent rusting during wet winter weather by keeping it off the ground.

By taking a few proactive steps now, you can be sure that no matter what winter throws your way, your outdoor furniture will still be in excellent condition come springtime!


Wood Furniture

When summer is over, and the weather is beginning to cool, it’s time to start thinking about adequately storing our patio wood furniture for the winter. Although this can seem intimidating, with a few simple steps, you can ensure that your precious pieces are safely tucked away until springtime.

  • The first step should be ensuring the wood furniture pieces are clean and completely dry before storing them. Depending on how much dirt has accumulated, this could include washing off any grime with gentle dish soap such as dishwashing liquid and a soft brush or towel.
  • Use a mild oil or wax polish if you’re looking to restore an old piece or keep it looking shiny and new. Furthermore, wiping surfaces with mineral spirits or turpentine can protect against moisture buildup while in storage.
  • Next, protecting the furniture from any potential moisture damage while stored away is essential. Covering the items with a breathable material such as drop cloths or old blankets will do the trick!
  • Additionally, it’s best to store pieces in a climate-controlled environment such as a spare room, garage, or shed during their hibernation period; This is especially important for low-quality wood varieties prone to warping and cracking due to temperature changes.
  • Finally, remember safety precautions when keeping your patio wood furniture safe from the elements throughout the wintertime! It’s best practice to keep these items away from gas heaters and other potential hazards that could cause fires or other severe damages over long periods.

Plastic Furniture

The best way to store patio plastic furniture for the winter depends on a few factors. Is it outdoor-rated? Does it have a warranty? These are essential questions before choosing what storage option is best for you.

  • The most obvious choice is storing your items inside if you have enough space. If you don’t have an area that can accommodate large items, then bin storage may be a better option since these often come with covers that protect the plastic from dust, water, and UV rays. It also keeps animals away from your furniture if you choose a secure shelter or lid that locks in place.
  • If you want to avoid putting your patio plastic furniture into either of these two solutions, the alternative is probably a mixture of both – leaving the more significant pieces outdoors while securing chairs or other smaller items inside bins or in your shed or garage.
  • Secure covers or tarps can protect pieces against wind, rain, and snow without bringing them all indoors when freezing temperatures drop too low.
  • Remember to ensure your furnishings get cleaned before moving them out of their location! A well-maintained set will last much longer and look excellent for next year’s enjoyment!

Metal Furniture

The summer months come and go faster than the BBQ burgers at a fourth of July party. But if you invested in some nice furniture for your patio, there is no need to send it into hibernation. We’ve got the best way to store patio metal furniture for winter fast approaching so you can enjoy it for seasons to come.

  • Start by cleaning each piece well with a mild dish soap and warm water mixture. Make sure to dry them off once they are all cleaned up and ready to be stored away. If there are any scratches or chips in the paint, use a rust-preventative product or body filler sticks to prevent future damage while they’re off in storage.
  • Wherever you plan on storing your patio metal furniture, make sure they stay dry and cool while waiting out the winter months ahead. Areas like the basement or garage will do – but avoid areas prone to moisture like the outdoors or bigger attics that store heat during hot days of summer.
  • For your outdoor patio furniture pieces to last as long as possible, an extra layer of protection will do wonders when it comes time for storage preparation. Covering each piece with layers of cloth (or better yet – simple plastic covers) will help keep them from continual wear and tear during their period of rest so that when warmer weather rolls around again, all you have to do is drag them back out into the sunshine and voila!

PP Wicker Furniture

The arrival of cold weather should mean you must tell your wicker patio furniture goodbye in spring. Properly stowing away wicker furniture for the winter can ensure that it’s around to enjoy when temperatures rise again. Follow these steps for an easy and effective way to store your pieces, so you can keep happily sipping iced tea with friends.

  • First, make sure all the pieces you’re planning on storing are squeaky clean. Taking the time to thoroughly wipe down your furniture before you put it away helps ensure it will still look great when you open up those storage bins again next year.
  • Next, prepare small items like cushions and pillows for storage, removing all dirt, dust, food particles and anything else collected during sunny days spent outside. If possible, machine washes any removable covers. For added protection against damage caused by humidity or pests such as mice and insects, sprinkle items lightly with a few drops of cedar oil or other safe insect repellents. Finally, wrap them in plastic sheets or airtight containers before packing them into boxes or bins for winter storage.
  • Now that your small items are taken care of, let’s move on to more oversized items like chairs and tables. Start by removing any rusty parts, then spray down the rest of the pieces with a waterproof sealant coating to protect them from wear and tear over the winter months.
  • Lastly, cover your furniture in breathable fabric tarps before stashing them away in dry indoor spaces (basements/garages). This will help prevent mould growth during higher moisture levels due to strong storms or unexpected snowfall events throughout the season. Doing this could even extend the life span of some wicker pieces beyond a few years! No one wants broken outdoor furniture just as they’re ready to head outside (especially when temps start rising!).

Wrapping up

The ultimate guide to storing and winterizing outdoor furniture, we hope you feel better prepared to ensure that your patio looks its best all year round.

Vita, the veteran outdoor furniture manufacturer, is here to help you enjoy the comfort and quality of your outdoor furniture for many years to come, so don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions or concerns.