Mold-Free Outdoor Furniture in 5 Easy Steps

Having outdoor furniture that’s free of mold can be a real chore. You spend money on expensive lumber and then constantly check it for signs of damage from the elements. Thankfully, with some simple steps, you can keep your outdoor furniture mold-free all year round.

How to Remove Mold from Patio Furniture

What You Need

  • Nylon bristle brush
  • Water
  • Enzyme cleaner
  • Bleach
  • Soap
  • Garden hose
  • Towels

Mix Cleaning Solution

Removing mold from patio furniture can be challenging, but it can be done with the right cleaning solution and a little elbow grease! Consider hybrid cleaning solutions for those looking for an effective concoction to get the job done.

This unique cleaner is designed to remove rigid mold and other stains that build up on your patio furniture over time. Best of all, it’s much gentler than harsher chemicals like bleach or ammonia, so it won’t damage your patio furniture—and you don’t have to wear those funky goggles!

Protect Plants

Protecting plants when trying to remove mold from patio set furniture can be a challenging feat. Thankfully, with some dedication and know-how, it can be done without sacrificing your beloved greenery.

First and foremost, it is essential to remember that bleach and other harsh chemicals should be avoided at all costs as these products are particularly harmful to plant life.

Instead, an effective homemade solution of water and dishwashing liquid should be used.

Then, it is critical to cover the plants nearby with plastic or towels to protect them from the regular cleaning solution spray.

Clean Furniture Surfaces

Cleaning a mold-covered furniture surface can be tricky – but it doesn’t have to be overwhelming! The trick is finding the best methods for each piece of furniture.

First, give it a quick wipe-down with an all-purpose cleaner or mild dish soap and warm water.

Afterwards, look closely at the surface and decide if you need something more powerful to tackle any visible mold spots. If so, try combining three parts hydrogen peroxide with one part white vinegar to help loosen the mold and mildew.

For stubborn patches, employ a soft bristle brush or damp cloth to reach into small crevices – with some patience and elbow grease, those stubborn spots will come off in no time!

Eliminate Mold

If the thought of mold on your patio furniture grosses you out, don’t fret! You can get rid of it relatively quickly with a store-bought enzyme cleaner.

Enzyme cleaners are designed to break down proteins and fats that act as food sources for mold, thereby eliminating its presence in the air. Not only will this help reduce any existing mold growth, but it can also prevent future infestations.

To ensure optimal effectiveness, read the instructions on the packaging and follow them closely. When you take these proactive steps, you’ll notice less fuzz accumulation and your furniture will remain fresh for longer!

Protect Furniture and Prevent Mold

Keeping your patio furniture clean and well-maintained will significantly reduce the risk of mold growth. Here are some tips to help you protect your precious possessions:

  • First, never store furniture in damp areas or in direct sunlight;
  • Second, always allow furniture to air dry thoroughly before storing it;
  • Third, regularly check underneath cushions and in crevices for signs of dampness or mold;
  • Fourth, use a fungicide to spray onto previously-affected areas;
  • And lastly, invest in specialist outdoor **furniture covers** to keep out any moisture. With these simple steps, you’ll be able to protect your outdoor furniture from damage due to mold.

How to Remove Mold from Plastic Outdoor Furniture

Always test an inconspicuous area first for colourfastness when using a bleach solution; otherwise, use a mold and mildew removal product or vinegar and water solution made specifically for removing mold and mildew to clean your plastic patio furniture.

What You Need

  • Mold cleaning product
  • Vinegar
  • Spray bottle
  • Warm water
  • Bleach

Use a Mold-Removing Cleaner

Whether you have recently bought yourself some plastic outdoor furniture for the garden or trying to clean up and freshen up an old patio set of chairs and tables, you’ll want to make sure you’re using a mould-removing cleaner designed specifically for plastic furniture. Using the right regular cleaning agent could save your furniture instead of eliminating all the icky mold growth.

Choose from various mold-cleaning products specifically formulated with the right ingredients to break down and remove unsightly, potentially hazardous molds and mildews from the surfaces of plastic furniture items. Not only will your furniture look and feel fresh again, but you can rest easy knowing that these products help protect against any future buildups of germs or bacteria!

Spritz with Vinegar

Who knew a little glass of vinegar could solve your moldy patio set problem? Spritzing the affected area with vinegar can help restore your furniture’s original condition in no time!

All you need is some white distilled vinegar, salt, and an absorbent cloth or brush. Simply mix the vinegar and salt, then apply the solution to the moldy area. Give it a few minutes to sink in, then scrub away any remaining residue with your absorbent cloth or bristle brush.

It may take a few rounds of treatment before you see the full effect – but if done correctly, you’ll have your beautiful outdoor furniture back in no time!

Use Bleach After Patch Testing

Using bleach to remove mold from plastic outdoor furniture can undoubtedly be effective; however, it is best to proceed cautiously.

Before reaching for the bottle of bleach, it is essential to do a patch test – that is, test the area on an inconspicuous spot on your furniture first – as unbeknownst to many homeowners, bleach can corrode white plastic.

If the patch looks and usually behaves after, you may continue treating the rest of the area. Always wear gloves when handling chemical cleaners, and remember to rinse your furniture thoroughly afterwards – so it will last as long as possible!

How to Remove Mold from Outdoor Wood Furniture

What You Need

  • Bleach
  • Soap
  • Water
  • Wood-specific cleaner

Assess Your Furniture for Bleach Tolerance

When outdoor wood furniture has become a breeding ground for annoying mold, it’s time to assess whether or not they can tolerate a good dose of bleach. If you’re dealing with dense hardwood like mahogany and teak, they should handle some bleach just fine.

But a specialist should probably evaluate more delicate woods like white cedar and cypress before attempting any bleach-related cleanup. Don’t take any chances – seal the wood afterwards to protect your furniture from the elements, ensuring it lasts for many beautiful years!

Treat Teak Gently

Many people must learn to be extra gentle when removing mold from teak. Teak is a highly durable hardwood that can last a lifetime if properly cared for, so you should never try aggressive or abrasive removal methods!

Use water or a mild detergent with gentle scrubbing to safely clean your teak furniture without damaging it so you can enjoy its beauty for years to come.

Use Wood-Specific Cleaners

It is essential to protect outdoor wood furniture from the elements, but natural growths like mold can still appear even with protection. It is best to use wood-specific cleaners when trying to remove mold to protect your investment.

Wood-specific cleaners are designed for outdoor wood furniture because they will not strip away existing sealants or fades their colour. In addition, these cleaners will leave a protective coating on the surface of the wood that wards off future mold growth.

The cleaner should be combined with a soft scrubbing brush and rinsed thoroughly before allowing the furniture to air dry naturally in the shade – no need to worry about harsh sunshine fading your precious investment!

How to Clean Mold Off Outdoor Cushions

According to VITA outdoors furnishings marketing, investing in cushions and fabrics that are easy to clean, waterproof, mold-resistant, and mildew-resistant from the start is essential.

What You Need

  • Bleach
  • Water
  • Spray bottle
  • Soft cloth
  • Washing machine

Test Before You Spray

If you find a pesky patch of mold on your outdoor cushions, don’t reach for the regular cleaning supplies just yet. Before trying to scrub it away, you should always test the outdoor fabric and cleaning products on a small cushion area first.

This way, you can check that your cleaner won’t stain or damage the outdoor fabric and it’ll also give you an idea of how long it’s going to take to get rid of the patch and how much elbow grease is involved. So don’t spray until you’ve tested what might happen – it’s better to be safe than sorry!

Clean the Cushion

To clean your cushion from mold or mildew buildup, begin with a mild dishwashing detergent mixed with warm water. For an extra deep clean, add a teaspoon of baking soda and half a cup of bleach per gallon of warm water.

This should help break down the mold spores and sterilize them simultaneously. Be sure to scrub in small circles, so you don’t strain the material, and rinse thoroughly afterwards. Cleaning your cushions regularly will help keep your couch looking its best!

Machine-Wash Removable Covers

Mold can be a pesky problem when it comes to outdoor cushions, ruining their look and feel. Fortunately, tackling this humidity-loving nuisance doesn’t need to be tedious. The best way to keep those cushions spick and span is by investing in removable furniture covers that are machine washable.

This efficient method allows for a hassle-free cleanup process, making your cushions mold-free in no time! After all, why spend hours scrubbing away when you can simply throw them into the washing machine – no muss and no fuss!

Wrapping up

With the proper preparation and care, your clean outdoor furniture will be mold-free.

With over a decade of experience in Vita outdoors, we know all there is to know about outdoor furniture- especially PP plastic outdoor furniture. If you’re looking for someone trustworthy that can provide you with reliable information, look no further!